In ultima zi pe care am petrecut-o in Timisoara inainte de Craciun am stat intr-un barulet mic si superb numit Sakura cam de la ora 11 pana la ora 18 cand m-am intalnit cu prietena. Am stat acolo din mai multe motive. In primul rand pentru ca trebuia sa eliberez cazarea. In al doilea rand pentru ca Sakura este locul perfect in care poti sa pierzi timpul cu orele, in care nu te deranjeaza nimeni si care mai este si ieftin. Nu prea vezi pe acolo decat elevi de pe la Colegiul Banatean plus oameni mai in varsta sau studenti care au copilarit probabil pe acolo. Avand atata timp de pierdut am zis sa ma apuc sa citesc. Decorul era potrivit deoarece puteai sa asculti Norah Jones, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, Pink Floyd si in general muzica foarte buna. M-am apucat de "Jurnalul unei Iubiri" de Nicholas Sparks. Mai tarziu abia am aflat ca de fapt aceasta carte se numeste "The Notebook" si e cea dupa care s-a facut filmul. Ca de obicei, pot sa spun ca si Jurnalul unei Iubiri sau The Notebook, cum vreti sa ii spuneti, este o carte mai buna ca filmul. E prima carte ce o citesc semnata Nicholas Sparks si pot sa zic ca are un stil atat de placut, romantic si emotional incat e greu sa lasi cartea jos odata ce ai inceput. Am citit toata cartea pana la 18:00 in afara de cam 10 pagini pe care le-am citit pe tren.
Pot sa zic despre Jurnalul unei Iubiri ca este o poveste clasica de dragoste care este foarte posibila. Pacat insa ca nu prea mai gasim in ziua de azi persoane care s-ar sacrifica precum personajul masculin din acest roman. Oricum, tind sa cred ca aceasta poveste este foarte plauzibila si ca este o carte destul de mica pentru a fi citita intr-o seara dar totusi destul de lunga pentru a povesti o dragoste ce a durat o viata si putem spune chiar dincolo de ea. Sunt sigur ca nu o sa uit niciodata aceasta poveste de dragoste semnata Nicholas Sparks, atat de frumos a putut sa fie. Un sfarsit atat de dulce, plin de iubire si tristut dar atat de frumos. Multe persoane au plans cand au citit Jurnalul unei Iubiri si cand s-au uitat la film probabil. Eu nu am plans dar am ramas cu un zambet pe fata care nu o sa dispara niciodata numai cat ma gandesc la cartea asta. Jurnalul Unei Iubiri trebuie citita. In continuare m-am apucat de continuarea acestei carti, Nunta. Cine stie cand o sa pot sa o termin fiind ceva mai groasa si eu ocupat dar cum o termin o sa postez aici.
58 de comentarii:
nice :) o sa o caut :D
bun post
nu am citit cartea pt ca nu stiam de ea, dar nu ma mira.insa am vazut filmul. f bun. si am fost si in timisoara. in barul asta de care zici tu cred ca nu.. dar in papillion era ieftin si aveau lapte cald ;)) cu miere.
Cat caut eu cartea asta, dar nu am gasit-o nicaieri pana acum. Am incercat si varianta virtuala de a comanda carti, dar, la fel, nu exista in stoc. si chiar vreau cartea!!! Am vazut filmul de 2 ori, desi in mod normal nu ar fi trebuit sa imi placa, uite ca a reusit sa ma impresioneze, nu am plans, dar mi-a dat o stare de bine:)
O gasesti la aproape orice Carturesti ;)
si cartea "a walk to remember" sau in romana "o plimbare de neuitat" sper sa fie dat comanda si astept sa vina...abia astept...dak o sa fie la fel k filmu e clar k este o carte super
Tocmai am revazut filmul " The notebook"...superb! Chair daca e scrisa in stil sudist carte si filmul au fost succes!
:) dragut comentariu asupra cartii, am ajuns si eu sa-l citesc ubland dupa autor pe net. eu pot sa spun k The Notebook a fost prima carte pe care am citit-o de la Nicholas Sparks, acum cativa ani, in timp a devenit autorul meu preferat, toate cartile lui sunt superbe, am citit 6, vad k exista doar 7 in romana, pe cand in engleza sunt 13. ce facem, fratilor? carere spre rao sa ni le traduca pe toate?
Jurnalul unei iubiri de Nicholas Sparks are si o continuare, iar aceasta se numeste: Nunta ;)
Mai am vreo 50 de pagini si termin si nunta numai ca nu am timp deloc vad ca. Cand o termin o sa imi spun si parerea despre ea
Am citit O plimbare de neuitat de Nicholas Sparks si este intr-adevar o carte superba, mult mai frumoasa decat filmul. Chiar nu o poti lasa din mana pana nu o termini... si daca filmul m-a emotionat... cartea intrece totul :)
am citit nopti in rodanthe, jurnalul unei iubiri si nunta.sunt absolut superbe. cu certitudine ca nicholas sparks e autorul meu preferat.
;)) Am inceput si eu sa citesc cartea si intradevar este foarte frumoasa :x cum spuneai si tu ... daca ai inceput sa o citesti iti este foarte greu sa o lasi din mana :x citesc chiar si la lic :x
mi-am laut azi cartea :D cred ca e genul de carte mult mai slaba decat filmul
"How much can you curl Johnny?"
"I can curl 205 for 5! How bout you Bubba? "
"Well I'm stronger than you cause I curled 205 and a retard"
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Features of the MPEG to MP3 converter:
MPEG to MP3 converter- convert MPEG to MP3; MPEG4 to MP3 converter- convert MPEG4 to MP3; Support converting various video formats including MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, WMV, AVI, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM to popular audio formats such as MP3, WAV, AC3, WMA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. Extract audio from video Support batch conversion; Support multithreading, you can convert multiple files at the same time; When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment; You can use the default settings or set parameters of the video and audio codec by yourself;
Step-by-step Guide: How to convert MPEG to MP3 and extract audio from video with the MPEG to MP3 converter?
Step 1: Free download the MPEG to MP3 converter and save it in your computer, and then run it.
Step 2: Launch the MPEG to MP3 converter and the concise interface is as follows:
Step 3: Click Add file to load MPEG file(s) to be converted to MP3:
And the selected MPEG files will be displayed:
Step 4: Click Profile combo-box to select MP3 as the output file:
After selecting certain output format, the right column will show general standard of the format. By clicking certain setting(s), you may specify it. Or just keep all the default setting to get the best output quality. And then you can click Save As button to save them as the appropriate name:
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The organization offers a single specific [url=]gia re hom nay[/url] for each working day in each and every and every single of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance deal using ThePoint's platform: if a specific range of men and women sign up for the give, then the deal gets to be available to all if the predetermined bare minimal is not fulfilled, no a single gets the offer that working day. This minimizes risk for merchants, who can deal with the coupons as sum unique discounts as nicely as revenue advertising equipment. Groupon tends to make income by keeping around fifty per cent the cash the client pays for the coupon.
For example, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be acquired by the shopper for $forty through Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $forty. That is, the retailer supplies a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and gets about $20 from Groupon for it (underneath a 50%/50% split up). Or, if $240 truly really worth of home portray suppliers is obtained by the client for $fifty through Groupon, then the organization gets $20 5 and Groupon retains $25. The consumer receives the massage, or the home portray company, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at 1st compensated $forty (or $50) to Groupon. There are specified companies to which Groupon at first did not offer you its remedies, these kinds of as using pictures ranges and strip golfing products even so, getting images ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.
Not like categorised promoting and marketing and advertising, the service provider does not shell out any upfront cost to take part: Groupon collects personalized data from prepared consumers and then contacts only these buyers, mainly by daily e-mail, who might potentially probably be interested in a distinct merchandise or support.
Groupon employs a large assortment of copywriters who draft descriptions for the bargains featured by email and on the world wide web internet site. Groupon's advertising textual articles for the 'deals' has been witnessed as a contributing component to the acceptance of the site, showcasing a exclusive combine of extensive reality-inspecting and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's sector being mostly composed of female consumers, the discounts are generally specific on the properly becoming, fitness and class marketplaces.
There are prospective issues with the enterprise style. For occasion, a successful deal could briefly swamp a modest business with also quite a few consumers, jeopardizing a probability that clientele will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be enough product to satisfy the demand. Hole, a massive clothing retailer, was capable to take treatment of 445,000 price cut codes in a countrywide offer (although it experienced server difficulties at one placement), but a smaller sized sized company could grow to be all of a unexpected flooded with consumers. A one espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in consumers for a few months, when it acquired shut to 1,000 Groupons on the one particular working day it was presented, in accordance to a single report. In response to equivalent problems, Groupon officers stage out that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in progress to a reasonable number.
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